History of D.M.G.S., Onitsha

History of D.M.G.S., Onitsha



Who we are ?

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What Is DEF?

DMGS Endowment Fund, DEF, is a charitable organization created and operated by alumni of DMGS Onitsha, a venerable post-primary institution founded in 1925 along the  eastern bank of the lordly Niger River in Nigeria. For one hundred years, DMGS has consistently been at the forefront of education in Nigeria, helping produce a cadre of professionals who took over the reins of national and regional governance in the post-colonial era. Sadly, like most indices of human development, DMGS has fallen on hard times in recent years. Starting with the disruption of formal education as a consequence of upheaval and anomie in the late 60s, accelerating under military rulership until 1993, with a virtual free-fall in parallel with Nigeria’s economic decline thereafter, this old school is beginning to show its age. An endowment fund was created, largely through the efforts of a US-based alumnus, Mr Green Dim, who was able to convince several other friends and old students to gather under the banner of Grammar School. We seek to use our collective influence, will and resources, to create a fund of at least $2,500,000:00 in support of this ancient school. This fund is designed to grow in perpetuity, with any investment income being channeled towards supporting and improving teaching facilities at the school. This way, the objectives of the original founders of the school, embodied in her Latinate motto, “Lux Fiat”, would be brought alive for another one hundred years and more!  

Goal $2,500,000:00

Donated 500,060:61

Goal $2,500,000:00

Donated $2,500,000:00

Journey to Endowment Corpus

Goal $2,500,000:00

Donated $500,060:51

Vision Statement

The Dennis Memorial Grammar School motto, “Lux Fiat”, which is Latin for “show the light”, or perhaps, more prosaically, “let there be light”, is the central organizing principle of this endowment project. It is a motto that serves as both inspiration and purpose.

We seek to create a “beloved society” based on loyalty to school, love for brother alumni, empathy for the least among us, and sacrifice for a better future for those who come behind us. Because we hold this one truth as universal to all of God’s children: regardless of tribe, race, color, parentage, socioeconomic background, religion, creed or tongue, a proper education grounded in true Christian consciousness reliably uplifts everyone.  

Lux Fiat



To Grammar School, A Century

For Grammar School, A Century

Nemo Patriam Quia Magna Est Amat, Sed Quia Sua (nobody loves his country because it is great, but only because it is his)- Seneca

The aphorism above is attributed to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, aka Seneca the Younger, a Roman politician and philosopher, whose pithy commentary continues to reverberate down the shafts of ancient history.  

49% Donate
/ $543.000,00

D.M.G.S. Endowment Mission Statement

DEF Mission Statement

Our mission at DMGS Endowment Fund is to inspire and nurture a a continuing tradition of scholastic excellence at our alma mater, Dennis Memorial Grammar School, where we hope to animate the promise of an unfettered future, free of fear and superstition, but to live as only free men could under which the living Gospel of Christ. To equally uphold all that is true and outstanding within our common tribal heritage, to extend the frontiers of innovation and adaptation in education, to eliminate all artificial barriers to personal fulfillment through the agency of education, worship, athletics and technology. We strive to promote a culture of lifelong learning and dedication to service, bringing to life that old Christian dictum that only through giving, do we receive.  


Prosper Igboeli, Chairman of DEF Board of Trustees  

Okey Okoli, MD, Vice-Chairman of DEF Board of Trustees

Beze A Adogu, MD, PhD, Executive Director of DEF

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38% donate
$ 189.200.00
$ 400.200.00

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38% donate
$ 189.200.00
$ 400.200.00

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

38% donate
$ 189.200.00
$ 400.200.00

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14 October 2020

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24 Des

Proin aliquam mollis

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25 Des
One-Day Online Fundraiser
30 Des
Donation Match Drive
12 Jan
Skydive For Charity

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Our team & staff

we share the same vision, which is to help brothers around the world

Eleanor Pena
Event Manager
Chirs Doe
Staff Event
Jason Wardell
Staff Event
Jane Cooper
Staff Event

What they say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
Sarah Doe
Volunteer from Australia
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
Angelina Nathan
Volunteer from Ireland